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Why learning MMA should be on your 2018 to do list

Knowing how to fight is essential. Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) is just like any other sport with rules, regulations and discipline. While all other types of Martial Arts are great for fitness, they don’t necessarily teach you how to fight.

  • Thai Kickboxing teaches you how to kick; but if the fight goes to the ground, you’re done.

  • Similarly, boxing teaches you how to throw solid punches, but if the opponent takes the fight to the ground, you can do little to regain control.

  • Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu teaches you how to subdue someone on the ground with a choke but it doesn’t teach stand up fighting.

  • Wrestling helps build immense core strength but with the variety of rules winning a fight might not be easy.

Put all of these Martial Arts together and you get Mixed Martial Arts – the complete package.

If you are looking for a reason to add MMA to your training programme, here are a few that may give you the push you need:

It Helps Build Confidence

For starters, when you know how to fight, your mind is a bit calmer and more relaxed. You know how to throw a punch, break an arm or choke someone unconscious which automatically cuts out the threat of physical confrontation. Even if there is a confrontation, it is much easier to walk away.

It Teaches You Discipline

As with any other fighting sport, MMA teaches you the utmost discipline. It teaches you discipline of the mind and body. Along with training, eating and sleeping right, you will quickly learn to apply this discipline to the rest of your life.

It Is the Perfect Workout

Grappling (ground-fighting) or sparring (punching practice) for a period of 5 to 10 minutes is an absolutely brutal cardio workout. MMA fighters are in the perfect physical condition. No treadmill or cycling can beat the true benefits of practice fighting.

It Will Teach You Self-Defence

If the need ever arises, you will be able to defend yourself against your would be attackers. A large number of people take up MMA as a way to strengthen their self-defence tactics, which comes in handy.

It Will Fulfil Your Need for Physical Expression

We don’t want violence in our daily lives, but we still yearn for physicality. All of us get pumped up when seeing fights on television or when we hear about someone who was accosted by thugs and kicked some sense into them.

Training MMA is the perfect middle ground. You can train in controlled areas and release aggression with no threat of jail time, repercussions, etc.

It Is a Huge Stress Reliever

After an hour of MMA training, when you are sweating and sore, ready to take on a big meal and quality sleep, there is no room left for stress.

These are just a few reasons why adding MMA to your training routine is the best gift you can give to yourself.

Check out the collection of high quality MMA gear available in our collection.

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